MCC2 In-house Training

An individual In-house Training & Coaching Program for single companies, which are planning or handling a current Change Management Project.

Focus is the successful Implementation of an ongoing Business Transformation Process by

  • Supporting the success of the Change Management Project
  • Escorting the process by supervision along an individual time frame
  • Enhancing experience in praxis and building-up knowledge in theory

MCC² In-house Training supports the Implementation of an individual Business Transformation Process and escorts the process during an individual period of time by supervision and coaching.

MCC² In-house Training runs parallel to the on-going Transformation Process and can be adjusted accordingly in regard to time and topics.

MCC² In-house Training involves all managers of the company who are responsible for Corporate Change, handle Business Transformation Processes or are involved in the Change Process according to their field of responsibility.

MCC² In-house Training builds-up and enhances the competences as Change Manager. Participants will experience and recognise the complexity and multi-dimensionality of Transformation Processes in theory and praxis.

MCC² In-house Training is conducted by external coaches having a neutral status within the Change Management Process & Projects. They are experienced in managing Corporate Change as well as combining theory & praxis during the seminar.

To overtake you have to give up the racing line.
Jean Remy von Matt – CEO Jung von Matt AG